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You Talked and We Listened

you-talk-we-listenedPrice Health would like to thank all of those that have filled out our patient survey. Over the past four months we have been striving to identify our weaknesses and how to improve on them. We received so many great  and flattering compliments, but the true goal is to always improve! We have listened to what you had to say and are responding to many of the comments we received with action. Some improvements we have made are:

  •  The NEW Friends and Family Loyalty Program.  We recently learned that 62% of our patients were referred to us by a friend or family member. You trust us with your health, and the health of your friends and family members. In turn we trust you with the health and success of our business.  Happy and satisfied patients make us thrive!  We want to help you and your loved ones thrive too! When you refer a friend to Price Health they will receive their first chiropractic treatment at no charge. As a  Thank You for your continued trust and loyalty, you in turn will also receive a complimentary treatment. We help you when you help your friends and family!
  • Email reminders for appointment dates and times.  You will now receive a complimentary email reminder the day before your appointment to help organize your busy life.
  • Tea and coffee in the waiting room.  We are in the process of getting a coffee machine so that you can sit and relax before (or after) your appointment with a cup of coffee or tea.
  • Exercise and nutritional workshops in the office.  
  • More health information in the waiting room to browse. We have not only started a blog on our website (stay tuned for more posts), but we will be putting more helpful tips in the office to keep you learning and informed.
  • We are looking into some other initiatives such as expanded treatment hours and clinic decor updates.  We have taken everything you have said into account and will continue to develop strategies to improve so we can all enjoy a fantastic 2013!

We thank you again for all your input in making Price Health  a better place to obtain optimal health.

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