At Price Health Centre we are in the practice of healing mechanical ailments that people suffer from on a day-to-day basis. But the “health” of a community is not measured by the ailing and infirm. Health by definition is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being. Social, environmental and economic factors are important determinants of human and community health and are inter-related.
As I began this blog I was reflect on a heart-wrenching story of a 14-year-old named Kayla Baker from Cambridge. Her story was highlighted in the Cambridge Times April 1st:–Cambridge-girl-gets-new-lung
Suffering from pulmonary fibrosis she requires a double-lung transplant. Kayla and her family learned that a suitable donor had been found and she received a new left lung during the writing of this blog. The KW Record recently updated that she was doing well after her transplant.
This story reminds me that in some aspects of life no amount of money can procure life or develop a healthy community (although it does help). I have over my 11 years living in the KW community donated my time to many local charities and organizations that do great community work. I hope that each member of our community can find time yearly to donate to worthy causes as this is what contributes to a “healthy” community.
I respect those that donate finances to various causes and charities, many organizations require that financial capital to survive. I have always felt that by donating time you can directly see the impact as it creates a more immediate and visible change that helps the community. Even something like taking the time to sign a donor card for the donation of your organs – this is ultimately what helped Kayla.
Story’s like Kaylas’ remind us to “give to our community” to help make it the best place to live.